Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday 6/27/2012 we left Missoula, Montana after our day off and rode 99 miles to Avon,Montana. Before I describe the day let me tell you what was going through my head as I rode. I am the luckiest man around!!! I am on vacation for 8 weeks, I have a beautiful wife and daughter that are supporting my dream of riding across this great big country, and I am having the time of my life!!!! Now for the day. It was a riders dream,beautiful scenery which I can't describe, A 20 mph tailwind blowing me down the road and gentle sloping up hills nothing steep. Yes it was 99 miles but who cares when everything is going my way.
we arrived at our camp in a private camp ground where our dinner was catered by a local resturant that makes the best pies. Have I told who how much food you can eat when you ride 100 miles a day. I had three pieces of pie: chocolate cream,blueberry and apple. What a life!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rick,
    Awesome adventure! Look forward to seeing some of your pictures and hearing more about the trip when you return. The food sounds fantastic, wow 3 pieces of pie?
    Congratulations on your physical conditioning, not many could do a trip like this.

    Hope you have tail winds only!
